bare with me while i whine

I have been writing exactly nothing in months & months. I’m disappointed in myself, but not necessarily enough to do anything about it. I feel like I have writers block, but I also feel that I am much to young to be out of inspiration. However, I am; my motivation is running low as well.

In nine months I will be moving away, out in the world all by my lonesome. I have no portfolio of work, or platform to show. Although I now have nearly two years of college under my belt, I do not feel any more intelligent. Less, maybe.

I find myself daydreaming of far away places (don’t we all) but I continue to lay in bed and do nothing to get myself there [wherever I’m dreaming of]. I read and I read; I write down all the words I would like to incorporate into my daily vocabulary and writings. I barely even bother to look up the meanings of said words, let alone use them.

I complain and complain of my idleness, but we still see that I am currently writing of my lack of writing….

complain complain complain.

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